Russian Blue Cattery in Toronto
The following are a few tips we recommend all new owners read:
1. Acquire an elevated surface for your cat:
When a cat is experiencing fear, insecurity, or discomfort, it tends to climb up somewhere high. In nature, this is usually a fence or a tree. If the cat has a place to retreat to upwards, it will when stressed. If this kind of place does not exist, –be it due to lack of elevated space or due to all the elevated spaces being “forbidden” (like your kitchen table), the cat becomes exceptionally stressed, trying to hide in corners and under furniture.
A high vantage point (above the head, or at least shoulder level for the tallest member of the family) allows the cat some sense of confidence. Sacrifice some of your interior design and give your cat what it needs. If you don’t want to purchase a cat tree or a perch, you could make a simple shelf at a reasonable height and wrap it with fabric. Just make sure that the cat can get up there – you may need multiple staggered shelves.
Next, you have to show your cat that this is now its spot. For example, lure the cat up there with a toy. Then, leave the cat alone. This is crucial – the cat must understand that it is a safe space to hang out and sleep on.
2. Funky smells around the house:
The most common explanation for your cat peeing somewhere is that it is spraying. Cats spray when they are in heat, and there is really nothing you can do about it other than castrate it. The cat needs to be castrated before it reaches 6 months because if it is castrated after it has already started spraying it might not stop.
If your cat is fixed but still peeing, some reasons might be a dirty litter box or stress. It is also possible that it has cystitis, and it hurts for it to pee. When it hurts for a cat to pee, it thinks that the location might be to blame and tries out a new place. Yelling at the cat will not help. Bringing their face to the puddle is completely useless. Hitting the cat is not only useless but could also be harmful. The cat is not being vengeful in its actions.
3. Playtime safety for you and your cat:
You need to show your cat that scratching humans is inappropriate. If you are playing with your cat and it gets carried away, do not reprehend it; after all, your cat was invited to play, and play it did. Instead, divert your attention to something completely different. Distance yourself, and end playtime then and there. This will both limit injuries in the short term, and will train the cat to respect your limits in the long term.
You are much smarter than your cat, so you should be responsible for making sure the cat is safe when it is playing. When a cat is playing and hunting its prey, it gets carried away and isn't thinking; you have to sometimes think about what you're doing, and not lead a cat to places where it might fall off and hurt itself on dangerous edges and objects.
4. Make sure your children know that a cat is not a toy:
This is probably the most important thing that you need to explain to a child.
Children find many things amusing and might try to treat their new friend as they would a toy, but there are many things that a child might find fun that might seriously Injure a cat. For example, It is not funny to paint the cat - it will lick the paint and get poisoned, and if you paint too big an area, it might get seriously sick from stress or the disruption of its thermal balance.- In general, don't paint the cat with amusing substances. Don't feed the cat anything funny either - no psychedelic substances or medications. Do not against the cats will, dunk it in water, try to fit it into an unusual place, or chase it out the window, into a tree or on a balcony - this dangerous to the cat as well as the child- You can very seriously injure a cat by carelessly pushing it, as People are much stronger than cats. Don't pull on a cat's tail as this is painful and dangerous. It is also dangerous to throw a cat to see how it lands on its feet.
All of this seems obvious, but children might not know this. They need this explained to them: A cat is not a toy, but rather a living thing, which experiences pain, fear and discomfort. But it is also capable of loving if you treat it nicely.
6. How to trim your cat's claws: